The world is fucked by power hoardings.

We’ve lost half of our decisional power, it  is half absorbed by taxes/hidden taxes/interests; what is done with this energy isn’t our business anymore, we have totally lost control of it.

We can keep going with this Parasite’s relation/society that will bring us to sure death or build a “Mutualistic/Symbiotic” one.


1. Eliminate power hoardings

2. Unplug the battery, no one cent will be going anymore from you to “Unknown actions”

3. Land and locals grabbing from private to communal propriety

4. Nodes Confederation


1. Notch Circuit, a Global Mutual Credit

2. “Gesellian” taxes in local currency to buy land, locals and long lasting means of productions, all that under the Notch’s communal property

3. Node’s “tribes” Confederation

4. Decentralized p2p platform that holds together a free amazon-like for goods\services, a telegram-like\youtube-like\torrent-like for communicating\sharing\taking decisions.


“Making tabula-rasa of the actual economic assets” and give the same access to credit to anybody.

Ensuring  that credit re-become what was at the beginning, that is: trust; so that other people’s trust create the individual credit/power/potentiality, so that it isn’t anymore Cunningness the highest value.

Transform costly access to credit (censored by business plan’s model…) in a free individual “creation” of credit.

Stop to contribute to do things we are against, anybody re-become responsible of the use of his/her economic/political power.

Limit Power in an reality’s measure, so that no excesses will ruin our life/planet.

Live and work with people with the same objectives/mind-frame.

(Jump at the conclusions if you don’t feel still motivated to read the “details”)


1.Accounts and ceilings management

2.Technical management for a decentralized system (Holochain, IPFS, Blockchain, TorNet, Freenet? Help needed…)

3.Gesellian’s interests management+Nodes

4.Fraud management


Everybody has a limited amount of possible debt that corresponds to a limited amount of credit, so that the balance between debtors and creditors is always guaranteed.

This means that every new user enter the circuit with a balance of 0 Notches; can spend a limited amount of Notches(debt) and can gain a limited amount of Notches(credit).

Starting maximal debt/credit=100N (notches)

Maximal of ceilings=100.000N(?)


To rise or lowering the debt/credit ceilings it’ll be following those criteria:

Number of economic relations (Quantity of products/services exchanged)

Transaction’s sum (Quantity of products/services exchanged)

Receiver’s feedback (Quality of products/services exchanged)

A possibility could be that Those factors will be elaborated by a kind of Glicko system ( that takes count of the activity/etc.. of the users (from a point zero equal for everybody) to establish a value of credit that corresponds to his/her real exchange capacity in a faster way compared to other systems.

There’s a rating deviation value for each user that grows with inactivity and lowers with activity:

At the beginning the maximal variation will be big, than will get smaller ( a bit like the bitcoin mining process); and if somebody stops to sell/buy for a while her/his rating deviance value will re-become bigger, ; one could be away from business because of studying or implementing means of production etc.. and when coming back to business its a good thing that she/he can get a new maximal in a faster way.

Also this system should facilitate a regular user to be around 1000N ( kind of the right amount of Notches to survive) (Help needed)

Credit is other’s people trust in your capacity to create value; its a promise to repay/provide the economic circuit/society with goods/services, so who brings a lot of value in the circuit, can take a lot of value from the circuit; in other words, has a bigger capacity of exchange (maximal).

This is not a business plan

The maximal value will change every end of transaction, after the receiver’s feedback.

Those factors tries to track the added value of the user from a quantity/quality perspective,

It’ll be a kind of “VAT reversed” that rise the user’s ceilings when he/she’s adding value in the circuit and lowers it when he/she’s not adding anything or something of bad quality.

The feedback’s giver has a limited amount per month of stars (according to the credit/debit maximal, ex: 1000N maximal=100 stars; 10000N=1000stars) to give, so 5 stars is the point 0 (1 to 9 ), it doesn’t “cost” anything, upper or lower you have to spend your limited stars.

The reason behind it is that people gives credit to individuals but the amount of credit that an individual can give isn’t limitless.

Every opinion gives a fraction of the total credit one has.

Being that the buyer has the power (minimal) to lower the seller’s maximal, not only the buyer has to trust the seller, but the seller as well has to trust the buyer.


Societies can’t open accounts, the only way for them to operate in the circuit is to create a group/coop/joint venture where every gain/expense is divided by the users in the group, and every transaction must be confirmed /signed by every group’s users.

This will push the users to act in a cooperative way where risks/capitals/responsibilities are shared by everybody (with various % options).

The reason behind it is that machinery, people, money, can’t work at “your” place, a work done it’s done because somebody spent his/her time/ability to do that.

We can’t fake this with some abstraction, we have to stick to reality, so the effort spent to pay an individual owned machinery could be shared with the working mates, but with a limit, until the machine is repayed by its work.

An objection to this argument is: why late arrived people should profit of my sacrifice to buy the “machinery”? And an objection to the objection is: why a newborn child should profit for free of the plants, animals, mushrooms, knowledge, etc etc..?


Gesellian’s interests+Nodes

The excesses of credit/debt, a bad thing for the economy, gets transformed in a positive influence, the Gesellian tax is the way to give real means of production/possibilities to the Nodes, until the Circuit becomes a strong multishaped economy.

The circuit is global but in the same time local/federal regarding the management of the income generated by the Gesellian’s taxes in ordinary currency.

The Gesellian’s interest (on credit and debts) will be divided in 4/4,:

¼ of maximal will be taxed=1%

One could think: what? 10 $ /month to have a bounce of notches?! I know it sounds expensive but think that you and your node could get the money you need in a few years without doing major investments, without even notice it, and if u are responsible to keep your credit/debt near 0, you ll be payng nothing anyway.

½= 2%

¾= 4%

Payed each month. (a calculator of the total time an account stayed beyond ¼ or 2/4 or ¾ )

The total income of the Gesellian’s taxes will finance :

2. A foundation for a new kind of land grabbing, where the acquired land/locals/vehicles/machines are choosen by the same nodes and are rented (life’s guaranteed) for a symbolic price to the Nodes that needs it to do their work, under certain conditions (see an enhanced: terre de liens: ).

1. The global circuit management.

Each node will pose his request to the regional confederation of nodes, the order will be from the “clearer/feasible/most necessary to the circuit project to the most “nebulous project”.

The Gesellian tax countability will be divided in regional accounts, and it is managed by the confederation of that same region. Its a local redistribution.

3. An insurance fund for covering/balancing the circuit in case of users leaving the circuit with debts


The knots/nodes are small communities (4-30 people) where direct democratic governance is possible.

They will be formed by a “Manifesto”, written by the node’s components, that highlights the affinity of views/objectives of the node.

The objective of the knots is to guide and realize a transition toward a postcapitalist society, where there’s still a free market but the accumulation/capital/reserve-of-value’s-function-of-money isn’t needed anymore;’s prohibited.

Everybody will have the choice to enter or create a Node of his/her liking, and profit than of the regional Gesellian’s tax funds, while individual users can’t profit of the funds.

The Nodes at the beginning will be settled like a democracy, than they can choose the social form they prefer but with total consensus, (seeing that without power hoardings the risk of power unbalances are limited, we will not risk so much and who knows we could invent social forms that works still better than direct “democrazy” ).

The local Knots will be cooperatives/associations/societies by local laws, where every user of the region taking part of a node can have her/his share on administrative tasks and/or have a voting power in the confederation of nodes.

The money coming to the knot will be not usable until the knot itself find a way of internal governance, that means until everybody in the knot is happy with the investment/ choices made (total consensus ).

As in the “natural world” it isn’t possible to store material goods indefinitely, the society/economy must to mirror the value and properties of the material goods exchanged, that are subjected to entropy and are useless when they are excessive. (Silvio Gesell’s argument)

Without accumulation it remains the problem of assuring the well being of old aged people, health, education and access to the means of living (land for agriculture, locals for craftsmanship, studios, etc..), the knots could provide all that.

The nodes “renting something”, following the few symbiotic rules, will have the right to keep it until their death or total disaggregation.

There will be no heredity.



A region of 300.000 people ->            Let’s say 1% of the population adhere to the Notch ->  We’ll have 3000 people ->                Let’s say every node has 30 people in it, we’ll have 100 Nodes ->                              Let’s say each node is composed by individuals with an average ceiling/maximal of 1000N ->      

Let’s say on average everybody has a balance of + 500 or -500 each month; with the Gesellian tax of 2% (on 1/2 ceiling) we’ll have 500:100=5×2=10 $ per person ->                                      Each node gives 300$ per month to the regional Confederation ->                      Each year we’ll have  300×12=3600$ per node ->                                                  100 nodes will raise 360.000$/year -> This money will be assigned to the best (most feaseble and worthy for the community needs) project; ->           Let’s say an average project needs 100.000$ to get its means of production (land, locals, machinery, boats etc…) ->                                       We’ll settle at least 3 nodes per year -> To settle all the 100 Nodes of the region we’ll need about 30 years keeping the same conditions..(unlikely)


Those % of the Gesellian taxes could be seen like a revolutionary sacrifice to change the world, and they will be lowered as soon as we are more and more participants, ‘ntil becoming in notches themself: example when we’ll reach 1 million participants, we could lower it of 0,2% => 10millions= -0,4% =>100millions= -0.8% =>1billion=1% in notches.


In case of users leaving the circuit with debts the circuit itself will equalize the total sum of 0 by acquiring goods needed in the circuit (user’s desires lists) using the insurance fund, and reselling this goods in notches.

The fraudulent user will be banned by the circuit until he/she repays the total debt in local official currency.


Seeing that a percentage of the ceilings variation’s value it’s given by transaction sum, we need to find a way to certify the effectiveness of the exchange, shipping bills or location check plus a real check by the knots if the business between two users gets serious or suspicious. We have no solution still for this..(a Notch’s cooperative of transports running on hydrogen?)


When a good/service is sent internationally it has to be taxed.


Abstraction/visualization’s capacity is probably the most relevant difference between “humans” and “animals” we can see in advance what would happen if we do that or that, we project things, we project beauty, we project lives, we project values, we project “gods”, we project life living of other lives, we project power..

It’s really worth, for life’s sake, the power’s abstraction we are serving?

This thing that economy and politics are blending together could be really fascinating if we change the absurd “ever-growing” economic system in a scaled one where each individual can attain only a certain power, and the big things could only be made by getting together, so that the decisional power would coincide with the limited economic power..

so the politics really gets “democratic”..

Imagine that the whole value creation (apart few rich millionaires and states ) is fully bounded to “business plans”…

That implies that no one stone is moved if it isn’t to make:

  • Fast private (and banker’s) profit
  • Consumerists products (possibly not lasting..)
  • Short sight plans
  • No one thing of communal interest apart the share holder’s one and some states action, but states are often underneath big private interests (look at the fucking “save the banks” action after the 2008’s crisis..), and even when they are truly “political”, the scale is often too big to make something sense-full.
  • Ugly, silly and standardized things, (the whole spectrum.. buildings, education, culture, souls, etc etc..)

We could get full employment, less work for everybody (having no leeches..) and equal opportunities all around the world (a potatoe in India, it’s a potatoe, it should cost like a potatoe  in Europe, that’s a potatoe); and no abstract, dangerous, unlimited powers.

This will not happen unless we don’t change the way we issue and threat abstract value.

We need to lower the power accumulation in a Real scale.

Where do u see unlimited hoardings in the natural world? Money as a measure of value, has to mirror the real value of “goods”, and where is the value in accumulating endless quantities of goods? Apart excessive will to power? (And it is really,.. power? If the satisfaction for realizing something is directly proportional to the effort/suffering/sweat applied, than one could explain the perennial, incurable, dissatisfaction/frustration of the “mighty” who buy the realization.. and the consequent “moral’s shipwreck”….)

This should be the basic law, the only economic law: Anybody can have only what can “eat”/use (considering of course the possibility of 2 years of “caresty”)

Wouldn’t be harder to do some crazy shit if everybody has to take part personally in doing it?

Will we still drill the Earth to the heart?

Power has become a filthy thing, not the smartest rules, nor the strongest rules, neither the cunningest rules… a kind of inane parasite rules… and it seems impossible to get rid of its power chain..

To be ruled by this system is extremely stupid from us..

Silliness is pervading everywhere, spreading in the lands and in the souls..

One could think to “justify/drop responsability” himself/herself by boycotting supermarkets, banks, landowners, etc.. that’s just ridiculous;

We’re still limited, few, with a ridiculous amount of power to do things, unable even to unplug the batteries that we are..

We are still feeding the shepards..

We need a new dream/possibility; a way people can choose without fear, trustful, clear, simple, cool but smart.

Current money are liquid power, they rule the world, they are unlimited.., self reproducing, money makes money, when  you use it, you empower it, you are breaking legs around you, you’re enslaving people without even knowing it.

If we change money, making it a tool that reflects only “real economy” and  we limit hoardings and private propriety, we can trash this power chain.

Using the notch you’re not only choosing a fair trade coffee… you are forcibly part of a “fair trade” economy; there’s no way to feed parasites, its an antiparasitic system by itself.

When many millions of people will find convenient to use it, we will finally stop to feed the big shepards..

It’ll be like a global strike without starvation.

We’ll be creating a new dream, a new way to do things, money will be just a tool to quantify things, sweat, etc.. but the human relation, and the human/earth relation, will come back in the first place; the mediatic power of money will almost disappear, becoming irrelevant.

We had many abstract powers in history, “imperial”, “religious”, “bourgeois/capitalist”, “states”, all abstractions…

The NotchZone ’s People will limit abstract powers.

This doesn’t mean that the world will be all love and flowers,.. this will help to develop a multiform variety of human societies, not necessarily “good” and “right”..

It’s the maximum freedom to express human’s creativity, without the danger of power centralization.

Men of common sense.., it is time to spit on our reciprocal defects and get together!  at least until we overturn this shit.. life is too short to live in this crap

P.S.  I would like to point out few more things: there are many people around thinking and acting more or less on the same idea’s basis (that’s what i was thinking about in the first sentence, if one project doesn’t work another will! We will go in that direction), but i reckon we need to consider few things that are missing in many projects to really become effectives:

  • We need a radical break with the capitalistic system, we are still feeding it…(looking for a serious study on leeches, after Margrit Kennedy’s one, i didn’t find any)
  • We need the simpliest tool possible (possibly a single one that holds together all the tools); and not only to make exchanges, also sharing knowledge and organize ourself collectively somehow (individuals are weak)
  • The “hardcore” group of people thinking/working about “decentralized organization” etc.. is still too small to be able to create many real local economies that have some weight on the actual system, we need to get together to really change things, even to get the resources for our already limited economy, especially human’s one; and anyway… we know that our Anarchist Archipelago’s organization is weaker by default than a piramidal oligarchy well formed already, we can’t also limit ourself to regional economies..
  • We need at least a launching base in actual currencies to get the means of production that will enable us to really produce things/services
  • Proportional taxes won’t give a limit => Fiscal paradises, societies like Clearstream, Euroclear, Ior bank will always be around, and they are perfectly legal…

(The name brings us back to the primordial sign, like with the paleolithic Tally Sticks..I found it beautifully pertinent.)

This is just a puzzle, the elements in it are taken from Silvio Gesell, the Bancor’s idea of J.M.Keynes, Terre de Liens, Sardex, Bitcoin,JakBank, End of Finance’s book by Luca Fantacci and Massimo Amato, Margrit Kennedy, Ezra Pound and many other sources.

More references:

Margrit Kennedy’s study on hidden interest weight:

Massimo Amato and Luca Fantacci’s book:

Keynes’s Bancor:

European union of payments:

Silvio Gesell’s Natural Economic Order:

Sardex circuit:

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